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Palidors Knights are the 2008 Squad Tournament Champions!
11/2/2008 6:47:39 PM

Congratulations Knights!

We won!

here are the official results

We really worked hard to get where we are, and you all deserve a pat on the back and a beer to go with it. Game summary will follow shortly (I imagine:D)

PK+SRM vs ACE+SF (May 4th)
5/5/2008 12:49:29 AM

aarmstrong writes:

PK+SRM vs ACE+SF (May 4th)

Core: GoD R4




1.25/1.25 Normal, InsideOut

(PK picks the map, ACE picks the settings)

Total game time:

40 Minutes


With high starting money I?m able to purchase enhanced cons. Our opening OP/TP walk to the right side with the TP headed high (back sectors) and the OP to the right corner. However, they reach the aleph first and collect a fairly decent camp. But we notice no proxers on the aleph, so I call for a boost through the camp. We make it through and dogfighting ensues. Our OP con enters as we see their OP con in the sector as well. Efficient killing of their nans allows us to take their OP con easily. Ours builds.

Their next teleport con launches and heads to the left side. Our ints dock and boost 2 sectors from our home to camp for it. Same situation ? very few nans on the con costs them again as they lose their second one of the game.

I ask our ints to remain in that sector and I roll an OP con to the left side. Just as our OP con enters the sector, we see theirs enter also. Our builds, theirs dies (3rd dead con).

We've completed scouting of the map at this point and notice that we control the only uranium rock on the map, next to our home. I start building our expansion.

They attempt to push a teleport into the middle. This time it builds despite our efforts.

I decide to build our third OP in the middle instead of walking it around the map to their back sectors. I do, however, push a teleport to their back sectors.

Our expansion builds and upgrades almost immediately.

Without an expansion rock, ACE decides to build a shipyard next to their home on the left side.

With the shipyard spotted, I build a supremacy high (in our back sectors).

They launch a missile frigate and send it left. We still don?t have mini2, so I ask our team to sacrifice the outpost to save the expansion. Mini2 finishes and we camp up the aleph. Despite their efforts to creep through the aleph, the cap dies within seconds of entering our expansion sector.

I send an outpost back to the left corner and build it right on top of their SY sector.

Bombers finish and I launch in a bomber with AB2. We notice their second MF launch, so we camp. It comes though slow and I?m able to AB him and get the kill. We continue on to and kill their shipyard. We also attempt to hit their home, but a big camp on the aleph stops us.

I launch in the middle again and head for their home, this time uneyed. We blow through the aleph and kill their garrison in 5 missiles.

Ordered by Points
Ordered by Kills